27 – 29 MARCH 2025
Droughtmaster Australia is excited to be hosting the 2025 Droughtmaster Feature Show, to be held in conjunction with the Toowoomba Royal Show on 27th – 29th March 2025, and extends an invitation to all Droughtmaster members, friends and associates to attend and participate in the activities that have been planned.
An exciting program has been prepared that will include a comprehensive Stud Beef Cattle Led Competition, a Droughtmaster Commercial Cattle and Feedlot Competition, and Droughtmaster social events which will allow members and friends to celebrate Droughtmaster in a relaxed setting only metres from where the Stud Cattle exhibits will be housed.
Schedule | Online Entries | Closing Date: 6/02/2025
The Stud Beef Cattle Competition will be held on Friday 28th March. We encourage as many members as possible to nominate and participate in the led competition and to that end, Droughtmaster Australia will be contributing to the cost of nominations resulting in a significantly reduced nomination fee for all nominations that are received for classes in the Droughtmaster Feature Show.
In addition to the Feature Show program, members may nominate for other classes that will be offered at the Toowoomba Royal Show.
Prize money will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place in ALL CLASSES. In addition, sponsored trophies and prizes will be awarded to successful exhibits in the Droughtmaster Feature Show.
Nominations close on Thursday 6th February 2025 at 5pm. When nominating, it is recommended that each exhibitor purchases exhibitor entry passes at that time.
Commercial Cattle Feedlot & Carcass Competition
We are thrilled that this competition has been incorporated into our annual Feature Show and thank the 10 exhibitors who collectively provided a total of 349 purebred Droughtmaster steers for the competition.
The steers entered the Mort & Co Grassdale Feedlot in November 2024. After 113 days on feed, they will be transferred to JBS Dinmore for processing. The steers will be evaluated for weight gain, carcass traits, and MSA index. The outcome of the competition and the presentation of the awards will take place at the Droughtmaster presentation evening on Friday 28th March at the Toowoomba Showgrounds.
Social Events
On the evening of Friday 28th March, an informal function will be held in the Moat House, following which the Presentation of Trophies (Stud & Commercial competitions) will take place.
Enquiries | Committee
Bronwyn Betts: 0408 700 510 | bronwyn@hawkins.com.au
Sharon Harms: 0413 583 084 | oakmorepark@gmail.com
Inga Hayes: 0428 182 078 | droughties@sevenell.com
Steph Laycock: 0428 094 456 | stephanie@hclivestocksupplements.com.au
Rowan Smith: 0409 620 603 | rsmit24@hotmail.com
Don McConnel: 0428 986 145 | office@mtbrisbane.com.au
Ian Atthow: 0429 632 413 | sevenangle@bordernet.com.au
Gus McCormack: 0429 656 814 | clonlaracattle@bigpond.com
We extend our gratitude to the sponsors of the 2025 Droughtmaster Feature Show and 2025 Commercial Cattle Competition.