For 60 years, the constant evolution of the Droughtmaster breed is seeing it flourish across the world whilst meeting the demanding standards of Australian producers and generating value throughout the entire supply chain.
The Droughtmaster and Droughtmaster cross have the climatic suitability to handle the humid Queensland summers. but they also have the growth and docility required to enhance meat quality.
Terry Nolan - Nolan Meats
...using Droughtmaster bulls allows for consistency across our herd, and when crossbred, they further enhance carcase suitability. They’re an integral part of our operation and have allowed our business to tick the fundamentally important boxes which drive profits in the beef business.
Rob & Carley Johnstone - Dawsonvale Droughtmasters and Dawson Grazing
Droughtmasters feature prominently in the feedlot and (even) over intense heat and humidity, we find that they maintain a higher level of feed intake and in turn weight gain in comparison to other types. I was impressed that these animals achieved the desired fat cover despite their low net feed intake and recorded high MSA grading. This level of feed efficiency is highly desirable and more economical.
Duaringa Feedlot
Droughtmasters offer the advantage of being able to finish at a young age, and with attention to muscle patterns, can mix it with any crossbreeds for weight for age.
Glenavon Droughtmasters
We look for a moderate framed, fertile, easy doing animals with softness, a good temperament and the ability to lay fat down on grass. We also have a high percentage of poll genetics through the herd, which has been quite easy to achieve by utilising Droughtmasters.
Maranoa Beef
Droughtmaster cattle are proving their value in the live export market due to their climatic adaptability and their ability to pile on the kilos.
Greg Pankhurst - President, Queensland Livestock Exporters Association
We have been breeding Droughtmasters for 40+ years, producing cattle for every possible market specification. Our purebred Droughtmaster herd continuously hits the high end and many times received record prices within those markets, with all classes of females and steers. We also have great success with cross-bred progeny using Droughtmaster bulls - however I still believe you can't put a price on a straightbred herd. The name Droughtmaster is used readily because producers aspire to be associated with the breed. The ability to meet multi-market demands and the consistent performance of Droughtmaster will ensure a long-term future for the breed.
Charlie Hawkins - Malakoff Downs/Herbertvale Station
Ariat Australia are thrilled to partner with Droughtmaster as the Official Footwear and Apparel providers. This is an exciting partnership for Team Ariat to partner with the Australian Icon that is Droughtmaster.